The Paladin Class for D&D 5e

In the tabletop game Dungeons and Dragons (D&D), there are several character classes for the role-play. Amongst the other character classes in D&D 5e, Paladin are characters that you can select for your role-play.

Paladins are sacred knights that only fight for justice and goodness. They are crusaders in the name of integrity, moreover have godlike spell caster abilities. They are unified and persistent by their oath to vanish evil and darkness from the world.

An oath serves as a dominant bond to a Paladin, this power of source helps a sturdy soldier to turn into a sanctified champion in the gameplay.

The Paladin Class for D&D 5eDifferent Paladins emphasize on various features of morality and goodness that they can offer in the game. An oath facilitates them the source of power to get their divine work done.

To gain the ultimate knowledge of the battlefield, combat, different types of weapons, armor and defending techniques, Paladins usually do long term training to master all the skills.

Their main powers include healing the diseased, morale and honesty in the battlefield and while fighting the dark creatures.

Penalty of Breaking the Oath

As a Paladin, taking the oath is the most crucial aspect for you.  A Paladin, who tends to break a vow, pursues forgiveness from a Cleric character who shares their similar belief or perhaps any other Paladin character of the similar order.

To start fresh, your paladin character has to devote one night in prayer to repent or take an act of self-denial. This forgiveness will thereby allow your character to have a fresh start in the gameplay.

However, if your Paladin character does not take the remorse aspect seriously, he or she might have to face severe penalties. For instance, your paladin might have to discard their class and foster another.

Paladin Character Class Features

A Paladin character consists of the following features that you gain in the course of the gameplay. These are:

Hit Points:

Dice Hit: per Paladin level, you get 1d10

First Level Hit Points: On your constitution modifier, you get +10

Higher Levels Hit Points: After the first level, per Paladin level you will get 1d10 or perhaps 6 + constitution modifier

Initial Proficiencies:

Your Paladin character already consists or perhaps is facilitated with the following capabilities from your Background and Race in the game, these are:

Armor: Shields, Heavy Armor, Medium Armor and Light Armor

Weapons: Martial Weapons and Simple Weapons

Tools: None

Saving Throws: Knowledge (Wisdom) and Charisma

Skills: You have the ability to choose any two from the skills these include Religion, Medication, Persuasion, Intimidation, Insights and Athletics.

Initial Equipment:

You begin your game with the following equipment, moreover your Background in the game facilitates you with extra equipment and these are:

  • (a) 1 Shield or 1 martial weapon Or (b) 2 martial weapons
  • (a) 5 javelins Or (b) any melee weapon
  • (a) priest’s pack Or (b) explorer’s pack
  • Chain mail and a Holy symbol

The following table will guide you through all the class features, levels and capabilities that you need to know about a Paladin character:

Levels         Proficiencies                                    Class Features                                          Spell Slots per level

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th
1 +2 Divine Sense, Lay on Hands
2 +2 Fighting Style, Spellcasting, Divine Smite 2
3 +2 Divine Health, Sacred Oath 3
4 +2 Ability Score Improvement 3
5 +3 Extra Attack 4 2
6 +3 Aura of Protection 4 2
7 +3 Sacred Oath Feature 4 3
8 +3 Ability Score Improvement 4 3
9 +4 4 3 2
10 +4 Aura of Courage 4 3 2
11 +4 Improved Divine Smite 4 3 3
12 +4 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3
13 +5 4 3 3 1
14 +5 Cleansing Touch 4 3 3 1
15 +5 Sacred Oath Feature 4 3 3 2
16 +5 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 2
17 +6 4 3 3 3 1
18 +6 Aura Improvements 4 3 3 3 1
19 +6 Ability Score Improvement 4 3 3 3 2
20 +6 Sacred Oath Feature 4 3 3 3 2


Here is a brief understanding to guide you through the Class features used by the Paladins in D&D:

Divine Sense

With this feature, you get the ability to sense your enemy within 60ft range. Your senses are elaborated and sensitive to any evil lurking around you. Whilst you await your next turn, you have the ability to detect where exactly your enemy is situated by sensing their odor, sound, etc.

These types of foes can be the undead, fiend and celestial; however, you are unable to sense the exact identity of your opponent.

Moreover, you are at advantage as you can also detect any object placed near you. These can be weapons, health, etc. In addition, knowing the location of your enemy before your turn can help you prepare strategies to put up a tough battle.

This feature can be used a multiple times that can be equal to your Charisma modifier + 1. In addition, you will gain back your depleted users after finishing a successful long rest.

Lay on Hands

This feature provides you the power to heal injuries, just with your mere touch. As you take and finish your long rest, you are given a pool of Healing power. You can then use this pool to regain your total Hit point equal to level x 5 Paladin.

You get the ability to touch the enemy and pull power from the pool; this helps to regain the Hit points to the enemy until the amount remaining in the pool finishes.

Moreover, with Lay on Hands you have the capability to spend from your pool up to 5 Hit points. By this, you can heal the targeted disease or deactivate the power of the poison.

Numerous diseases and poisons can be deactivated with using this feature only once. However, keep in mind that this feature does not have an effect on the foes like the Undead and Constructs.

Fighting Style

As you level up to the 2nd level, you get the ability to choose your fighting style as per your forte and talent. You get to choose from the following options:

  • Defense – You get the ability to wear an armor in the defense style, this gives you +1 bonus to your AC.
  • Dueling – When you are handling only one melee weapon in one hand and your other hand is bare in the battle, you get to Damage Rolls bonus of +2 on that weapon.
  • Great Weapon Fighting – Whilst rolling a damage die for an Attack of 1 or 2. You get a melee weapon that can be handled with two hands. To gain outmost advantage, your weapon needs to have a Versatile or Two Handed property.
  • Protection – If an enemy within 5ft targets an attack that is not your player, then you have the ability to use Reaction to enforce a drawback on the Attack roll. In addition, you need to be using a Shield in this situation.

However, you are only allowed to take a Fight style option once in the game.

Spell Casting

When you level up to the 2nd level, you get the feature of Spell Casting. Now, you have trained enough and have the knowledge to pull on Divine Magic by meditation or perhaps prayers to cast spells. The Cleric character in the gameplay also uses this similar feature.

Here are ways you can Prepare and Cast Spells and a brief understanding of the Spellcasting capabilities and Spellcasting focus:

  • Prepare and Cast Spells

The Paladin character table mentioned above can guide you through this feature. It portrays the amount of Spell Slots you attain in order to cast your spells.

Therefore, it is mandate that when you cast a spell in the 1st level or higher, you use one slot of the spell’s level. In fact, when you finish a long-term rest, you reclaim all of the spent Spell Slots.

It is mandatory that you prepare a list of Paladin Spells that you desire to cast in the gameplay. Thereby, when you are to choose the spell that you want to cast, it is suggested that you select the number of Spells that is equal to the Charisma modifier plus half of your level.

Keep in mind that the Spell should be the level of the Spell Slots that you contain.

Lastly, as you finish your Long Rest, you get the chance to change and edit your spells. You need to prepare a new list of spells for you further gameplay. Although, it takes at least 1 minute to prepare or change the spell list as it consumes time spent in meditation and prayer.

  • Spellcasting Capabilities

Your main Spellcasting capability is ‘Charisma’ for your spells. You tend to get this ability as you draw the powers from the strength of your faith and beliefs.

Moreover, whilst setting a saving throw DC for a spell you cast and generating an attack roll, you can use the ability of your Charisma modifier.

Saving throw DC= 8 + proficiency + charisma modifier

Attack Modifier= proficiency + charisma modifier

  • Spellcasting focus –

For Spellcasting focus, you get the ability to use a holy symbol in the gameplay.

Divine Smite

As you reach the 2nd Level of D&D, you can spend on one spell slot. This happens as you attack an enemy using your melee weapon Attack, at that point you spend one spell slot to make maximum damage to the enemy, also damaging the weapon to the maximum.

Moreover, at the 1st level you make a damage of 2d8 for a spell slot. In addition, higher you go from the 1st level you make a damage of 1d8 for every spell level. This goes maximum to 5d8.

Divine Health

When you reach the 3rd level of D&D, the divine enchantment within you can help you to fight any diseases. Thus, making your Paladin character immune to all viruses in the gameplay.

Sacred Oath

As you level up to the 3rd level, you get the ability to choose an oath. For instance the Oath of Devotion. As a Paladin character, you are obliged to take an oath to fight with justice and banish the evil. Therefore, from the 3rd level it is mandatory for your character to perhaps execute the oath that was sworn.

Furthermore, you get to, not only choose at the 3rd level, but again at the 7th, 15th and 20th level. You can use features like the Channel Divinity and Oath Spells.

  • Channel Divinity –

This aspect facilitates you to channel or perhaps draw divine energy to further enhance your enchantment effects.

You have to successfully finish the short or Long Rest to be able to use your Channel Divinity again. When you opt to use your character’s Channel Divinity, you get an option to select your preferred feature.

  • Oath Spells –

The oaths come with a list of related Spells in the game. You can get the Spells as you reach the levels that is detailed in the description of the oaths. You will need preparations as you get to use an oath spell from the description.

Ability Score Improvement

As you level up to the 4th Level, or 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th levels, you get the ability to increase your Ability Score. You can level up your preferred Ability Score by 2 or instead you get to level up 2 Ability Scores by 1 that you prefer.

Extra Attack

When you reach the 5th level of D&D, on your turn, you get the ability to take an Attack 2 times instead of one on an Attack action in the gameplay. This way you do more damage in just one turn.

Aura of Protection

At level 6 of D&D, you get the ability to gain an extra point that is equal to your Charisma modifier. In other words, you or your ally should make a saving throw when you or your ally are within the 10ft of range.

This allows your ally to get an extra bonus point on the saving throw equal to your Charisma Modifier. Keep in mind that you need to be alert to attain this bonus.

Once you reach level 18, the aura level increases to 30ft of range.

Aura of Courage

When you reach the 10th level of D&D, you get the ability to not frighten yourself and the friendly creature within 10ft of range whilst you are alert. Furthermore, when you reach the 18th level, the aura range increases to 30ft of you.

Improved Divine Smite

At level 11, you get the ability to hit the enemy with an immense power from your melee weapon. At this level, your melee weapon is upgraded to be strong enough to transmit immense divine power. Therefore, any hit by this weapon does an extra damage of 1d8 radiant.

Moreover, you can also use your character’s Divine Smite with the Attack to add extra damage in the gameplay.

Cleansing Touch

When you reach level 14 of D&D, you get the ability to use an action to elude one spell or on the preferred enemy you touch. You gain the spent feature back as you finish a Long Rest.

Moreover, you have the ability to spend on the Cleansing Touch more than once equal to the Charisma modifier.

Aura Improvements

Once you reach level 18, you aura increases to 30ft in range in the gameplay.

Sacred Oath Feature and Oath of Devotion

As mentioned above, the Paladin characters are sacred knights that fight for justice and goodness. They are unified and persistent by their oath to vanish evil and darkness from the world. Therefore, as your Paladin reaches level 3 of D&D, you have to vow a final oath to conclude your training.

Several Paladins that swear by the oath are devoted and dedicated to the god of justice and righteousness. Thus, in order to measure their devotion, Paladins tend to use their god’s tenets.

The Tenets of Devotion that Paladins share are:

  • Morality: Be honest in your game. To give your word and stand by it without being untruthful.
  • Bravery: Have the courage to take up any battle that comes your way. Be alert at all times.
  • Empathy: Be just, heal the wounded, fight for the weaklings, and lastly, have mercy on your enemies before taking a decision.
  • Integrity: Be an exceptional example of fairness, equality and justice. Try to elude harm to others.
  • Responsibility: Be dutiful towards your work whilst obeying the rules and protecting the weak.

Oath Spells

Here are a list of Oath spells that you gain per Paladin levels:

  • 3rd Level: Protection from Evil and Good, Sanctuary
  • 5th Level: Lesser Restoration, Zone of Truth
  • 9th Level: Beacon of Hope, Dispel Magic
  • 13th Level: Freedom of Movement, Guardian of Faith
  • 17th Level: Commune, Flame Strike

Channel Divinity

As you reach the 3rd Level in D&D, you get the ability to choose from the following options of Channel Divinity:

  • Sacred Weapon

With the ability to use Channel Divinity, you can instill any one weapon with positive energy that you are holding. You can also add up your Charisma modifier to your Attack rolls for approximately 1 minute in the gameplay.

  • Turn the Unholy

With the ability to use Channel Divinity, you can state a prayer using the holy symbol to elude the Undead and Fiend enemies. This can be done within 30ft of range in the gameplay.

Aura of Devotion

As you reach the 7th level of D&D, within 10ft from yourself, you and your ally can not be charmed whilst you are alert.

Once you reach level 18, the aura range increases to 30ft.

Purity of Spirit

When you reach level 15, you get the ability to be protected from evil and good spell in the gameplay.

Holy Nimbus

With the ability to use Holy Nimbus, you can originate a sunlight aura for 1 minute within 30ft radius. A bright light shines at the range of 30ft and a dim light 30ft beyond that.

Therefore, as your foe starts to come closer to you in the 30ft range, it takes a damage of 10 radiant.

Important Qualities

  • Hit Die: d10
  • Ability of Spellcasting: Charisma
  • Initial Gold: 5d4 x 10
  • Name of Subclass: Sacred Oath
  • Abilities needed: Strength, Charisma

I hope this blog has given you all the necessary and brief information of the Paladin Character of D&D. You can use and pre-prepare game strategies to easily win battle in your D&D gameplay.

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